Application Deadline
Abstracts will be accepted until 13th June 2014 (Friday) At 5:00PM
How to apply for MISW 2014
Step 1 ? Preparation of Extended Abstract
1. Download the extended abstract from the following link>
Extended Abstract Template [MS Word:73KB]
2. Prepare your abstract in black and white using MS Word for publication in the proceedings. Only English language is accepted.
3. Include both text and figures on a single A4 size page and convert it into .pdf file format.
Step 2 ? Online Registration
Please click on the link below to go to the online registration page.
Online Registration Page
Once you have successfully registered, you will receive an e-mail.
Inside this e-mail, you will be notified of your resistration number.
You will need this resistration number when submitting your extended abstract.
Step 3 ? Submission of Extended Abstract
Please send your extended abstract to the following e-mail address.
misw2014(AT) (Please replace AT with @)
The filename of your extended abstract should follow the following rule.
“Resistration number” + “_” + “Last name or Surname” + “.pdf”
ex. 101_Saito.pdf
Notification of Acceptance
You will receive a notification of acceptance two weeks after the deadline. If your documents are incomplete or formatted incorrectly, you will be notified by e-mail.
All Documents and Guidelines
Call for Papers [ English ] [ Japanese ]
Extended Abstract Template
If you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties during registration, please feel free to contact us.
Please see the application page for more information.